Home » Senegal’s Authorities Refuse to Reintegrate Sonko on Electoral Lists

Senegal’s Authorities Refuse to Reintegrate Sonko on Electoral Lists

by Zyair Embo
97 views 1 minutes read

The Senegalese electoral commission has asked that Ousmane Sonko be placed again on the electoral lists after being removed from them following his conviction on a morals case in July. However, the interior ministry has refused, which prevents Sonko from being a presidential candidate in next year’s elections.

In its statement, Senegal’s National Electoral Commission said that Sonko “must enjoy his status as a registered voter with all the rights attached thereto.”

Senegal’s Interior Ministry however, refused the request on Tuesday night.

In a response to the letter from the CENA, the Ministry’s General Directorate of Elections (DGE) wrote that it “does not have the competence to carry out any action on the electoral register”.

The Direction did not specify who has this competence.

The Interior Ministry had already removed Sonko from the voter rolls in the summer, after his conviction in July on charges of corrupting youth.

The decision was confirmed by the Supreme Court, but later overturned by a judge in the southern city of Ziguinchor in mid-October, where Sonko serves as mayor

Sonko’s popularity

Sonko is one of the most popular opposition figures in Senegal, especially among young people.

Sonko is currently hospital because of a hunger strike he began earlier this month.

Source: Yahoo News

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