Home » State Will Sell 21 Housing and Commercial Properties

State Will Sell 21 Housing and Commercial Properties

by Mazi Kenya
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The list includes seven apartments, six houses, two offices and six commercial establishments, located in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Cuanza Sul and Huambo.

According to Presidential Order no. 251/23 of 20 October, the measure arises from the fact that the properties prove to be unnecessary for use for purposes of public interest and there is no particular convenience in maintaining them as part of the State’s assets.

According to a statement to which VerAngola had access, the document also determines the sale, at public auction, and for a value no lower than the respective official valuation of the properties.

The Head of State delegates powers to the Minister of Finance to, in the name and representation of the State, carry out all acts necessary for proper instruction, training and granting of real estate sales contracts.

The minister must also approve the parts of the procedure, appoint the technical team responsible for conducting the procedure and carry out all the acts necessary for its processing.

Source: Ver Angola

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