Home » Rwanda’s planned digital ID could both increase and decrease exclusion

Rwanda’s planned digital ID could both increase and decrease exclusion

by Shaka Kia
149 views 1 minutes read

Some digital ID project researchers say the plan by Rwanda to implement a biometric digital ID card in the next few years could bring huge benefits for the country’s digital economy, but the risks and challenges in implementing the project must be meticulously studied and taken care of.

The experts were speaking recently on an episode of a podcast called. “The Africa Hour,” a production of the Africa Policy Research Institute (APRI) dedicated to discussing policy issues in different African countries. The podcast examined the successes and challenges of Rwanda’s digital ID project.

Rwanda recently okayed legislative amendments to introduce a digital ID ecosystem, and also to expand the scope of persons eligible for digital IDs in the country which would include children and stateless persons.

Source : Biometric

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